Web Strategy

MTM & Bespoke Industry Analysis and Trends 2022/23 - CHAPTER 4

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Website is the #2 channel used in marketing for MTM/bespoke brands in 2022. More MTM brands are investing in selling online, in addition to converting leads (visitors) into prospects (e.g. when a lead schedules a consultation appointment).


Brands are applying different online sales strategies. Savile Row brands like Anderson & Sheppard, Edward Sexton, and Gieves & Hawkes have separate websites for their bespoke brand and their online store, while Ozwald Boateng, and most US brands, combine both for a unified experience.


To convert leads to prospects, all brands have a BOOK APPOINTMENT button and most have a subscribe button. Less than 5% of brands have a nurture sequence for new subscribers. Since only 2% of web visitors are ready to buy, then most brands do not nurture the other 98% to convert to a sale later.


A small percentage of brands have employed other strategies on their website to increase engagement and boost lead conversion. These include fabric swatch mailers, blog articles, style guides, videos, home try-on, create an online account and web/mobile push notifications.


Four sales models used online



Strategies used by MTM/bespoke brands to engage and convert website leads to prospects:




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Tyrone Whittle