Email Marketing Strategy

MTM & Bespoke Industry Analysis and Trends 2022/23 - CHAPTER 3

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Email remains the most profitable marketing channel: It returns $40 for every $1 spent. That is almost 2X ROI of any other marketing channel.


In 2022 most MTM brands (55%), similar to last year, do not send any emails at all after visitors subscribe.



MTM brands that send emails are sending more frequently this year –  around 3-5 emails per week.

Most emails (90%) continue to be promotional emails – either sale or new product announcement.


Brands that send the most emails generally sell across multiple channels or markets such as online, trunk shows and in-store.


Almost all brands offer some type of sale or discount in emails.



Number of emails sent by MTM brands per week:


Most brands (55%) send no email. Of those that send emails they mostly send 3-5 emails per week (24%).



Types of emails sent by MTM brands:


90% are promotional emails (36% sale and 54% new product email).





Thanks for reading!

I believe that running a made-to-measure business should be easier, more profitable and more scalable.

I hope you got better market insight from this chapter.

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Thank you,

Tyrone Whittle