4 Sales Strategies Made-to-Measure Brands Can Learn from Brioni OCTOBER 13, 2021 BY TYRONE WHITTLE By Tyrone Whittle Posted 10/13/2021 In BUSINESS 0 1 Brioni offers a master class in maximizing sales by utilizing efficient sales processes across multiple channels. In our study of 100 MTM/Bespoke brands Brioni had the most efficient sales process for its made-to-order garments online. Offline, Brioni utilizes various sales models to make the sale wherever, whenever and however possible. In this article I will explore four sales strategies that made-to-measure brands can learn from Brioni. 1. Make Shopping your Online Custom Collection Easy Brioni has the most efficient online sales process of 100 MTM/bespoke brands I studied in 10 countries. You can access the full report here. A customer can purchase each made to order (MTO) garment around 3 times faster on Brioni.com as compared to other websites in the study. To order 10 MTO shirts on Brioni.com requires visiting 2 pages, while purchasing 10 different MTO shirts on propercloth.com requires visiting around 20 pages. Brioni achieves this efficient shopping experience by allowing customers to add MTO garments to cart right from shop page instead of requiring them to visit the product page for each garment. Whether you order 1, 5, 10 or 30 MTO shirts on Brioni’s website, it can be done on just 2 pages. Below shows how you can order 3 shirts in 2 steps on brioni.com. On other websites in the study you would need to visit 7-8 pages. Step 1: Add products to cart from Shop Page: Step 2: Checkout: The result is that a customer could easily purchase many shirts on Brioni’s website, while even if they love another brand’s MTO products they will probably limit the number of purchases since it just takes too much effort. Brioni maximizes sales by making it easy to purchase multiple MTO garments online thus increasing average cart size as well as repeat purchase. 2. Focus on Follow ups Only about 2% of website visitors will make a purchase (or book an appointment). Even if you change the color of the “Book Appointment” button, write it in all caps like “BOOK APPOINTMENT“, change up the text “REQUEST APPOINTMENT” or any other variation the result will be the same. Research shows that no matter what only a very small percentage of website visitors will purchase. Brioni ensures they capture information of the 98% of website visitors who will not buy now, and maximize the chance they will purchase in the future. Lead capture signup forms are used to collect emails. Both popup forms and static signup forms are used. The popup signup form below opens after scrolling the page for a short while. The static signup form below is in the footer and so appears on ALL pages. Brioni attempts to get every visitor’s email to follow up with nurture campaigns to generate future sales from those that did not buy now. 3. Make the sale however, wherever and whenever Brioni’s revenue is close to 200 million USD, but they will come to your home, office, or really anywhere else you need to make the sale. Brioni will make a sale online or offline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Online, customers can purchase ready to wear or custom anytime. Offline, Brioni’s team is available 7 days a week. Brioni has all sales channels (and models) covered: In-store Private Appointments: Customers can schedule private appointments to visit a store. Home-service: They visit customer’s home … or really anywhere the customer wants. Out of hours Appointments: Even if their stores are closed they want to make that sale. Home Shopping: They send curated ready to wear garments to try-on. Think Trunk Club’s at-home try-on model. Sartorial Concierge: They will come out and style a customer for an event, or whatever is needed. Virtual Sales: They provide consultation via online video and customer receives purchased items delivered at their home or office. Trunk Shows: They host private trunk shows in their stores worldwide. Online: Ready to wear and made-to-order is available anytime for purchase. Brioni continues to incorporate new sales models to maintain its position as one of the top custom clothing brands worldwide. 4. Add Casual Tailoring Post COVID-19, consumer trends have moved towards more emphasis on comfort, relaxed styling. There is a growing need for personalized and comfortable looks. From custom polos, jeans, relaxed jackets and socks to name a few. Below are some of the casual offerings of Brioni. Made-to-Order Knitwear Made-to-Order Socks: Conclusion Brioni’s sales approach centers around the customer and strives to make the experience easy, seamless and convenient. Shopping their online made-to-order collection is like walking down an aisle in a store and just picking up a few items. It is the most efficient sales process of 100 MTM/bespoke brands in our recent study. Even though Brioni is a 200 million USD company, they do whatever it takes to make the sale. They will visit their customers at a place of their choosing, they will sell during off-hours, and a variety of other strategies to make sure a sale opportunity is not missed. Any made-to-measure brand trying to grow can emulate these qualities and understand what it takes to get to, and maintain, Brioni’s level of success. Thanks for reading The Custom Times – blog articles about the business and economics of custom apparel. I believe that better market insight will help you grow your business faster and more profitably. Our articles include in-depth, well-researched information from the global custom apparel industry, along with useful tools that you can apply to your own business. Learn how fellow MTM and bespoke brands are executing strategies such as email, e-commerce, and content across sales funnels to drive business growth. Get original market data and statistics based on our research of hundreds of MTM brands globally. If you want to truly grow your business rather than feeling stuck juggling orders between multiple systems, then these articles are for you. Finally,… It takes a team of 5 and countless hours to research and produce these articles. If you found value, I ask two things: Leave a comment below about what you will apply to your business Let me know other topics you would like us to research and write about. Thank you, Tyrone Whittle, founder, The Custom Times You might also like HOW TO, TECHNOLOGY, VOICESDigital Strategies for Custom Clothing Companies – A Post COVID-19 Plan ¿Dónde comprar oxandrolona 15 HOW TO, BUSINESS4 Powerful Email Strategies by Made-to-Measure Brands Exploring the Exciting World of Mobile Online Casinos Tyrone Whittle Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Business Name MQL FREEACCT MQL Source Home page Blog Article Comments pingbacks / trackbacks Lessons from Fast Growing Made-to-Measure and Bespoke Suit Brands | Chaos […] While Brioni is a little out of scope for this discussion, it is worth noting that Brioni uses 8 different ways to sell to ensure they never miss a sale. Not one, two or three. You can read more about Brioni’s strategies here. […] March 15th, 2022 07:25 AM Leave a Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.